Project status

The project to develop the Syradasaiskoye coal deposit involves the creation of both production facilities and the construction of ancillary infrastructure. The main facilities of the coal cluster are an open-pit coal mine, a coal beneficiation plant, a marine coal terminal and a road. It will also include the main conveyor, a power station, an airport and a shift camp for workers.

Current status of the major facilities

  • The open-pit coal mine

    • 1

      Pre-design phase

      Licensing work completed

    • 2


      Design work completed

    • 3

      Expert appraisal

      Positive conclusion from the State Environmental Review, Glavgosexpertiza received

    • 4

      Construction and installation stage

      Development has started

    • 5

      Equipment procurement

      Equipment procurement in progress

    • 6


      Planned by the end of 2021

    • 7

      The facility has been commissioned

      By the end of 2021

  • The refinery

    • 1

      Pre-design phase

      Preparation of documentation completed

    • 2


      Design work completed

    • 3

      Expert appraisal

      Positive conclusion from the State Environmental Review, Glavgosexpertiza received

    • 4

      Construction and installation stage

      Start of construction

    • 5

      Equipment procurement

      Equipment procurement in progress

    • 6


      Planned by the end of 2024

    • 7

      The facility has been commissioned

      By the end of 2024

  • Marine coal terminal

    • 1

      Pre-design phase

      Preparation of documentation completed

    • 2


      Design work completed

    • 3

      Expert appraisal

      Positive conclusion from the State Environmental Review, Glavgosexpertiza received

    • 4

      Construction and installation stage

      Start of construction

    • 5

      Equipment procurement

      Equipment procurement in progress

    • 6


      Planned by the end of 2023

    • 7

      The facility has been commissioned

      By the end of 2023

  • Motor road

    • 1

      Pre-design phase

      Licensing work completed

    • 2


      Design work completed

    • 3

      Expert appraisal

      Positive conclusion from the State Environmental Review, Glavgosexpertiza received

    • 4

      Construction and installation stage

      Start of construction

    • 5

      Equipment procurement

      Equipment procurement in progress

    • 6


      Planned by the end of 2023

    • 7

      The facility has been commissioned

      By the end of 2023