Environmental responsibility

The main declarative document reflecting Northern Star LLC's environmental principles and commitments is the company's Environmental Policy.

Mission: to implement the Syradasaiskoye coal deposit development project in a quality and timely manner with a minimal negative impact on ecosystems, preserving a favourable environment and biodiversity.

Objective: to protect the natural environment and vital human interests from the possible negative impact of economic and other activities carried out and controlled by Northern Star LLC.

To achieve its stated mission and objective, Northern Star LLC adheres to the following environmental principles:

  • compliance with the environmental requirements set out in international, federal and regional legislation, project and permit documentation and contractual obligations, taking all applicable environmental requirements of all stakeholders into account;
  • continuously improving its environmental management system;
  • using, wherever possible, technologies designed to reduce environmental pollution;
  • following practices and work methods that mitigate negative impacts on ecosystems;
  • monitoring the environmental compliance of contractors and informing them of Northern Star LLC's Environmental Policy;
  • taking steps to prevent emergencies with environmental consequences, and achieving the highest possible preparedness to deal with such situations;
  • seeking to reach out to all stakeholders on environmental issues;
  • conducting regular staff training.